Natal Chart

Yearly Predictions

Astro Diagnosis and Therapeutics

Horary Astrology

Astro Meteorology

Business Questions
Business start up chart and interpretation
Contact Us
I am located in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. 128A Part St. N. 705-313-1789
Brian Johnston has over 40 years of experience in astrology and has published many articles in such magazines as Horoscope Magazine and The International Astrologer. He also taught Astrology at Sir Sandford Fleming College in Peterborough.
Many astrological services are offered. Satisfaction guaranteed of money refunded.
Natal Charts Free upon application. Please state the precise reason why you want your chart done
Yearly predictions- transits and progressions Free if the need is great enough
Medical astrology full medical analysis and astro-diagnosis for any specific conditions. Free
Horary 1 specific question Free
Weather predictions any three days (Money back Guarantee) Free
Personal consultation available on request. $50 per hour. Please contact via email with preferred rely method and I will contact you to make arrangement. Please allow 3-5 business days for your results to be delivered to your email address. Please ensure your email address is included in all requests. For all request submit the forma and then add to cart.
For astrological research please see
Contact us now! email: brian.johnston200@gmail.com
Brian Johnston has over 35 years of Business and Manufacturing experience which he will use along with his knowledge of astrology to bring you greater success in any enterprise. He has education in accounting, business administration, electrical engineering, robotics, manufacturing engineering and quality engineering. He is an expert in cost reductions, process and quality improvements and business startups. His work has ensured that the business concerns he has worked with have consistently reported increased profits, higher quality and reduced costs. Brian has been one of the world's leading astrologers for decades. He began studying astrology in 1973.
Brian Johnston has over forty years of experience in astrology. He has analysed thousands of horoscopes and is experienced in every facet of astrology. Member of the International Society for Astrological Research. Member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. He has degrees in Applied Science and Business. He has also extensively studied psychology, mysticism, hermetics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, cosmology and quantum mechanics. He also taught Astrology at Sir Sandford Fleming College in Peterborough. Brian began his experience in astrology as a sceptic and was trying to disprove astrology. the more research that was undertaken the less convinced he was of it not being valid, even though it seems to defy all logic. Finally now forty years later the recently published papers and other research have now shown that the scientific basis of astrology is firmly fixed in the physical sciences and cannot be denied. See the research section of this website for full details.